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US Bank Corp. Analysis Free Essays
The two Institutions picked or correlation are Wells Fargo (WFM) and Bank of America (BACK). To assess the general quality the significant r...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The Adventures of Huck Finn
The conflict between society and the individual is a theme portrayed throughout Twain's Huckleberry Finn. Huck was not raised in accord with the accepted ways of civilization. Huck faces many aspects of society, which makes him choose his own individuality over civilization. He practically raises himself, relying on instinct to guide him through life. As portrayed several times in the novel, Huck chooses to follow his innate sense of right, yet he does not realize that his own instincts are more moral than those of society. From the very beginning of novel Huck states that he does not want to conform to society; "The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me... I got into my old rags and my sugar hogshead again, and was free and satisfied"(Twain, 2). Miss Watson lives with Huck and she is always picking at him, trying to make him become conventional. According to the essay, The Struggle to Find Oneself Huck has become so used to being free that he sees the Widow Douglas' protection solely in terms of confinement. She doesnââ¬â¢t let Huck smoke when he wants and she is always nagging. ââ¬Å"Miss Watson would say, "Don't put your feet up there, Huckleberry;" and "Don't scrunch up like that, Huckleberry set up straight;" and pretty soon she would say, "Don't gap and stretch like that, Huckleberry why don't you try to behave?"(Twain, 3). We get the feeling that Huck is an individual, a person who is independent and has the willingness to live a life free of complications . According to Ryan Schremmerââ¬â¢s essay Examination of Freedom as an Overall Theme in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the theme of freedom is shown in Huckleberry Finn, which parallels to his distancing from society: One of the most prominent and important themes of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is freedom. Freedom not only from Huck's internal paradoxical struggle in defining right and wrong, but also freedom from Huck's personal rela... Free Essays on The Adventures of Huck Finn Free Essays on The Adventures of Huck Finn The conflict between society and the individual is a theme portrayed throughout Twain's Huckleberry Finn. Huck was not raised in accord with the accepted ways of civilization. Huck faces many aspects of society, which makes him choose his own individuality over civilization. He practically raises himself, relying on instinct to guide him through life. As portrayed several times in the novel, Huck chooses to follow his innate sense of right, yet he does not realize that his own instincts are more moral than those of society. From the very beginning of novel Huck states that he does not want to conform to society; "The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me... I got into my old rags and my sugar hogshead again, and was free and satisfied"(Twain, 2). Miss Watson lives with Huck and she is always picking at him, trying to make him become conventional. According to the essay, The Struggle to Find Oneself Huck has become so used to being free that he sees the Widow Douglas' protection solely in terms of confinement. She doesnââ¬â¢t let Huck smoke when he wants and she is always nagging. ââ¬Å"Miss Watson would say, "Don't put your feet up there, Huckleberry;" and "Don't scrunch up like that, Huckleberry set up straight;" and pretty soon she would say, "Don't gap and stretch like that, Huckleberry why don't you try to behave?"(Twain, 3). We get the feeling that Huck is an individual, a person who is independent and has the willingness to live a life free of complications . According to Ryan Schremmerââ¬â¢s essay Examination of Freedom as an Overall Theme in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the theme of freedom is shown in Huckleberry Finn, which parallels to his distancing from society: One of the most prominent and important themes of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is freedom. Freedom not only from Huck's internal paradoxical struggle in defining right and wrong, but also freedom from Huck's personal rela...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Best Scholarships for Juniors in High School
The Best Scholarships for Juniors in High School SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many students think that they shouldbegin looking at college scholarships once they actually start applying to college- so some time early in their senior year. Although itââ¬â¢s true that many big-name scholarships require applicants to be high school seniors, there are some great awards out there for younger students as well. So why not get a head start in applying for scholarship awards? You could win money for college, sure, but youââ¬â¢ll also get experience in the scholarship application process before submitting even more applications during your senior year. Iââ¬â¢ve compiled a list of scholarships for high school juniors. This list will be a great place to start, but you might also want to search for more targeted awards (e.g., by geographic area). You can browse the scholarships below based on whether they're competitions or merit-based scholarships. Read to the end for tips and strategies on getting the most scholarship money possible! Are you ready for a little (friendly) competition? It's a win-win! You can get application practice, scholarship funding, or both! Essay- and Project-Based Scholarships for Juniors If you have a competitiveside, these scholarship programs might be just the thing to get you motivated! Whether you're a debate pro or a science nerd, you're sure to find a competition right up your alley. Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition To compete for this scholarship, applicants write and record an audio essay on an annual patriotic theme. The theme for 2019-20 is "What Makes America Great." The first-place winner walks away with a $30,000 scholarship,but runners-up also receive awards. A total of $2.1 million in funding is given out annually. Winners also receive an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC. Eligibility:Students in grades 9-12 Deadline:October 31, 2019 American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest Similar to the Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition, students compete for this scholarship by writing and performing a three- to five-minute oration on some aspect of the US Constitution. First place takes home $18,000, second place $16,000, and third place $14,000. You can learn more about this year's assigned topics here. Eligibility:High school students under 20 years of age Deadline: Varies by state; check with your local American Legion Department The Fountainhead Essay Contest Are you an Ayn Rand fan? Or have you readThe Fountainhead for school? Then you've already done the lion's share of the work for this scholarship competition! Students compete for this award by writing an essay on one of three topics related toThe Fountainhead(you can check out this year's topics here). The first-place winner is awarded a grand prize of $10,000, although runners-up also receive prizes. In total, this program gives out $22,500 annually. (This is a cash prize, so you'll receive the money personally.) Eligibility: Students in grades 11-12 Deadline:April 25, 2019 Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship This is a smaller scholarship, but it's also pretty easy to compete for- all you have to do is write a 250-word personal statement. You can even reuse an essay you wrote for class, another scholarship, or a college application.The applicant who submits the highest-quality essay wins a $1,000 scholarship. Eligibility: US students in grades 9-12 Deadline: July 31, 2019 (for the spring 2019 cycle) John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest Do you follow US politics? Then this competition might be the one for you. Students compete by writing an essay that demonstrates their understanding of JFK's description of political courage. You can get more detailed information on this year's essay topic hereand evenread past winning essays to get an idea of what's expected of applicants. Award amounts range from $100 all the way up to $10,000. Eligibility:US students in grades 9-12 Deadline:Likely January 2020 Do you fancy yourself a bit of a bookworm? Merit-Based Scholarships for Juniors These scholarships are still competitions in that you and a bunch of other applicants are vying for a limited amount of funds. But instead of being evaluated on your oratorical or scientific acumen, you'll be evaluated on personal qualities. Some of these scholarships heavily value scholarship, whereas others value leadership or community service (or even a combination of both!). William Randolph Hearst Foundation US Senate Youth Program This is a bit of a specialty scholarship program- it's meant for students who are serving in student government and plan on taking government courses in college. Applicants are judged on their leadership abilities, academics, clear speech, logical thought, community involvement, and extracurriculars. A total of 104 award winners receive $10,000 each as well asan all-expenses-paid trip to a conference in Washington, DC, from March 7 to March 14, 2020. Eligibility: Students in grades 11-12 Deadline:Varies by statebut usuallyin October each year Carson Scholars Program To be a competitive applicant for this scholarship, you must demonstrate academic excellence in addition to a dedication to serving your community. The minimum GPA eligibility requirement is 3.75/4.00. If you'd like to be considered for this award, you must be nominated by an educator at your school, and only one nomination per school is allowed. Winners receive a $1,000 prize. Schools can request an applicationhere. Eligibility: Students in grades 4-11 Deadline:N/A (students do not enter the program but are nominated by their school) National Merit Scholarship If you're a junior in high school, chances are you've already taken the PSAT. But did you know that by just taking that test, you've already started the process of entering yourself into this scholarship competition? Students compete for this award by striving to get a top PSAT score (depending on your state, you'll need a Selection Index scoreof 212 or higher to qualify). You must then submit an application with other standard scholarship information. The competition gives out$2,500awards to about 7,500students every year (with corporate and institutional sponsors giving outadditional awards). For more info, check outour guide to winning the National Merit Scholarship. Eligibility: 11th graders who have taken the PSAT (10th graders may take the PSAT but are ineligible for the scholarship) Deadline: N/A (you are automatically entered upon taking the PSAT in 11th grade) Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Like most things in life, you'll be most successful with your scholarship applications if you employ some solid long-term strategies. 3 Tips for Getting the Most Scholarship Money Possible If you're starting the scholarship application process in 11th grade, you've got a long road ahead of you. This is a good thing! Scholarship programs have varying requirements, deadlines, and expectations, so the earlier you get started, the better chance you'll have of getting money. Below are our top tips to help youwin the most scholarship money you can as a junior. #1: Do Your Own Research It's great to get started with larger national scholarships, but as you might imagine, the competition gets pretty fierce when you're dealing with these noteworthy scholarship programs. Even if you're a very strong applicant for a particular award, chances are that you could be a very strong applicant for a particular scholarship and still not win award money if the program is particularly competitive. The more independent research you do into smaller, tailored scholarship programs, the better your chances will be of getting funding for school. That isn't to say you shouldn't apply to the big scholarships- you definitely should!- but you should also have some smaller "safety" awards.The more niche a scholarship program is, the better chances you'll have of winning an award (assuming you're a qualified applicant, that is). So do your own research on scholarship programs that operate in your area or are offered to students with your particular interests and passions. The easiest way is toGoogle scholarships in your area.If you have a particular talent, skill, interest, or identity, search for scholarships that are offered to students based on those criteria. You can also talk with your guidance counselor who should have more information about local scholarships and how to apply for them. #2: Apply Broadly This is another strategy designed to increase your odds of coming out of the process with some extra college money in your pocket. Basically, apply to as many scholarships as possible. Many scholarship applications ask similar questions and require similar information, soif you apply to one program, you might as well apply to several.It's free to apply for most scholarships, so all it takes from you is a few hours of your time. For example, the Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship listed above will let you use a personal statement from class or even another application, meaning you can kill two birds with one stone! #3: Make Note of Deadlines Many scholarships are due before college applications.As such, it's better to start your scholarship search earlier rather than later so you don't miss out on any great opportunities. This is especially true for scholarships geared toward high school seniors. If you're looking into scholarships now, this is the perfect time to get a jump-start on some of the bigger scholarships for 12th graders. You can keep track of application deadlines by keeping a spreadsheet that you update regularly. This is helpful if applications require you to ask for letters of recommendation. In that case, be sure togive your teachers and mentors plenty of advance notice to write you a letter. What's Next? If you want to get a head start on scoping out scholarships, check out our comprehensive guides to winning some of the most competitivenational scholarships available. Learn more about theCoca-Cola Scholarship, theGates Scholarship, theWalmart Scholarships, and theMcDonald's Scholarships. Got a super high SAT or ACT score? Then you might be interested in learning how to apply for college scholarships based on your SAT/ACT scores. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mystery Piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mystery Piece - Essay Example The pianist is at home with both ensemble playing and solo playing. Commensurately, Elizabeth Wallfisch is also a seasoned Baroque violinist from Australia. The two musicians really represented a highly accomplished team, ideally suitable for rendering the sophisticated and complicated compositions by Beethoven. Going by the fact that the compositions showcased in this concert affiliated to chamber music, thereby they were played in a chamber. Not only were the acoustics of the selected chamber happened to be really good, but it also extended an aura of authenticity to the overall performance. It does needs to be mentioned that the music rendered by David Breitman and Elizabeth Wallfisch may sound a bit queer to a listener who is predominantly exposed to the musical performances involving totally modern instruments. The gut strings of the period violin used by Elizabeth Wallfisch had a distinctive tone of its own, thereby extending a wide range to the violinist which she astutely exploited in the fingering choices she made. The concert pitch adopted by the violinist was quiet low, a choice that allowed for an ease with intonation, while calling for a recurring retuning between movements. On the other side the fortepiano that David Breitman selected happened to be a vintage Viennese model in which the white keys happened to be black and the black keys happened to be white. Thereby the sounds made by this piano differed a lot from its modern day versions. The performance of both Elizabeth Wallfisch and David Breitman happened to be tenaciously lyrical in its melody, which not only did not fail to impress the classical virtuosos amongst the audience, but also had an impressive impact on the lay listeners. The playing of the fifth sonata on a fortepiano by David Breitman did allow for the possibility of preventing this composition from sounding way too pompous and dense as it happens
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Public Intellectual Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Public Intellectual - Essay Example His immense contribution in religious, economic, social and political matters was outstanding. Nelson Mandela like many other intellectuals was a statesman whose credibility can never be left out when writing the history of South Africa and Africa as a whole. His leadership, humility and perseverance, dedication and courage, love for humanity and fair-mindedness are exemplary traits that gives him credit as one of the worldââ¬â¢s greatest public intellects. Mandelaââ¬â¢s leadership traits rank him among the world greatest. His political wit and economic vision equate him with Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill. Mandela was a leader dedicated to his countrymen and prioritized their freedom and welfare than his own life (Maanga, 97). In the struggle for South Africaââ¬â¢s independence, he led the ANC as a young man to liberate his country from the hands of the colonial powers. Even after independence and his five year term as the president of South Africa, he still showed the characteristics that made him standout as a leader and father of the nation. According to some famous leaders in South Africa such as Oliver Tambo, Mandela was an inspiration leader who would sacrifice his life for his people. He was a symbol of unity among the Africans in the fight for freedom and against apartheid (Maanga, 98). Mandela possessed the humility and perseverance traits necessary for a leader. Like Martin Luther King in the fight against racism in America, Mandelaââ¬â¢s humility in fight against apartheid is appreciated. He endured difficult situations including twenty-seven years imprisonment seeking the freedom of his South African brothers and sisters (Maanga, 97). The imprisonment played an important role of strengthening his call for the eradication of apartheid and freedom of the black people. It is such characters of humility and commitment to his course
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Smooth Transition Into Adulthood Essay Example for Free
The Smooth Transition Into Adulthood Essay In this research report it will be proven that in order to have a smooth transition to adulthood, the completion of developmental tasks must occur. This is a stage when parents and children must separate one another so that young adults can accept emotional responsibility for themselves. Without the co-operation of both the parents and young adult the success of this transition can be long drawn and less effective. According to the Family Life-Cycle Theory, three developmental tasks must be mastered for this to happen. These tasks detail that; young adults must form an identity separate from that of the family of origin, young adults must develop new intimate relationship with peers outside the family and lastly young adults must make their first tentative commitment to a career or workplace role. With the co-operation of the young adultââ¬â¢s parentââ¬â¢s situations such as; parents becoming overly attached to their children and parents becoming too involved with a childââ¬â¢s life can easily be avoided. If a parent becomes too heavily attached to their child, the success of the young adultââ¬â¢s transition into adulthood is jeopardized. This type of behavior causes negative effects on both the parent and child as the parent will have a much harder time having to let their child go at one point, this creating more emotional pain for the parent later on (Holloway, 2002). For the child, this type of attached behavior robs them of their poetical freedom. Holding the young adult back from completing the Family Life Cycle transition phases of discovering a separate identity from their parents and developing new intimate relationships (Holloway, 2002). Creating new and different intimate relationships is an exciting part of becoming an adult. At this time in life people begin to learn what they are looking and expecting out of a potential partner (Holloway, 2002). The interference of a parent when choosing a mate limits the young adultââ¬â¢s choices when searching for a mate, restricting their options of exploring and discovering for what they are looking for in a mate (Holloway, 2002). A parentââ¬â¢s involvement within intimate relationship hinders the young adult smooth transition into adulthood as they can no longer fully complete the second stage in the Family Life-Cycle Theory of making new intimate relationships outside of the family. In conclusion becoming an adult is a large step in any young persons life. The co-operation and support of parents and guardians is very important in ensuring a smooth transition into adulthood for the young adult. Yet it is imperative that parents allow their children to begin to develop on their own, creating a new self-identity, developing intimate relationships and making their first commitment to a job on their own.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
So, How Smart are you? :: Narrative Intelligence Education Essays
So, How Smart are you? If I could give you anythingâ⬠¦anything you wanted at all, what would it be? For many, the immediate response is: ââ¬Å"I want to be smarter!!!â⬠Why smarter? If you are very smart, what do you do with all this smartness? Is there such a thing as being too smart? My younger brother, Ian, is a fourteen-year-old junior in high school. Clearly precocious for his age and stature, there are many who envy his ability and talent to understand academic concepts with relative ease. At this tender age, where most fourteen-year-olds are simply entering high school and trying to adapt to their awkward teenage bodies, my little brother is tackling the challenges of college applications, refining his resume, and perfecting his standardized test scores. His schoolmates joke with him about being younger than everyone else in his grade and about entering college at the age of sixteen without knowing how to drive. There was even talk about how he was going to get to the prom: Would his date have to drive him? Although these events seem superficially comical, one must look at the repercussions of always being seen as ââ¬Å"the little kid in classâ⬠. I wonder if there is a true solution to this situation. At a young age my brother demonstrated great skill and adeptness for understanding. Enrolled in a Montesorri preparatory school where students were encouraged to learn at their own pace, Ian was reading and doing long division in kindergarten. Later that year, when my family moved, my brother and I were transferred to another school system. Ian was placed in a kindergarten class filled with five-year-olds and it was clear he did not fit in. Finishing the assigned work within 15 minutes, he sat around fidgeting and causing trouble. The teacher, already overwhelmed with too many students, did not know how to handle the situation and sent him to the principalââ¬â¢s office. Faced with this dilemma, the principal offered my parents the option for Ian to test out of successive grades until we determined which academic level was appropriate for him. My brother took the exams and tested out of kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd g rade.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Police misconduct Essay
Police misconduct majorly refers to the various actions that the police officers (force) involve in their line of duty which are actually objectionable or questionable. Some of these activities are carrying out brutality, indulging in corrupt activities, falsely arresting various individuals without any basis, cooking evidence so as to justify the arrest of certain persons who might be actually not guilty, intimidation of the public in a number of ways, taking sides in the political arena so as to favor a given politician for instance the incumbent president, abusing various individuals sexually and also enhancing other forms of abuse. Generally, police misconduct has been a serious problem world wide. A good amount of effort has been put in place so as to combat this problem but due to certain problems like the culture of resistance to change by individuals and organizations it has been very challenging. In this paper, the stand that I will take with respect to the topic is that police misconduct is indeed a very significant issue in policing as it was in the time of Serpico as described in the book ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ written by Peter Mass. This means that it is a very important issue that must be addressed to ensure that policing in both developing and the developed countries occurs in a manner that is expected. Significant as it is, police misconduct determines a number of things in this area of service including how the civilians view and respond to the work of the police. Police misconduct is actually different from police corruption. As mentioned above, police misconduct deals with outright brutality and various things that the policemen do as they work (in their line of duty) which are actually can be questioned or objected. Some of these things or activities actually go against human rights. On the other hand, police corruption refers to a given category or example of police misconduct that is normally basically tailored towards availing financial benefits to the concerned officers. This can also lead to the advancement of police officersââ¬â¢ careers due to not pursuing or selectively pursuing an arrest or investigation. Some examples of police corruption include: soliciting or accepting bribes so as to allow certain individuals to carry on with something which is unlawful, use of falsified evidence to secure the convictions of certain suspects. This mounts to breaching the police code of conduct. Both police misconduct and police corruption are related to each other because both of them are actually done in the same way, it is only that one of them is an example of the other one which is relatively wide. Both of them are actually, the subject matter of these theses. There are a number of contemporary issues as regards police misconduct. Even though this is a real problem in the current world, various governments have not been very keen or serious with putting in place stringent measures to fight it. Some governments have, however, tried to put in place some measures but the concerned officers continue to enhance this vice. Police misconduct has resulted in very serious consequences which includes unfair death of innocent individuals e. g. In January 1997, A thirty four year old man who was not armed was carelessly shot dead by a Rhode Island police officer after a low speed car chase, having been just suspected of driving a stolen car. Another issue is that this misconduct of police has led numerous situations where the citizensââ¬â¢ rights are adversely violated by police officers for instance, some of these very innocent citizens are normally tortured, seriously beaten, or even struck to a degree that is not commensurate to the punishment for the crime they are being suspected to have committed and this is normally done when some of them are out rightly not guilty. It is important to note that even though police misconduct is actually rampant in many stations, we have not lost the fight against it.à It is still very possible to cub this practice. This can be achieved when individuals, governments and even the officers themselves just organize themselves as it is currently in the United States and purpose to do away with this vice. The specific topic under discussion here is that police misconduct is very significant an issue in policing as it was in the time of Serpico as described in the book ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ written by Peter Mass. There are a number of issues that actually qualify police misconduct as very significant. It is real or true that this is a serious problem in the United States currently and even world over that actually affects us and consequently needs to be solved. There is no police department world over that is actually free of misconduct yet police officers are very important for the provision of security in all nations world wide. It means that this is a real problem that is actually with us and affects certain things in our day to day lives making it significant. This vice therefore has to be fought both locally and internationally. It is also important to note that the departments of justice has in a way contributed to this seriousness because in some cases, they have failed to prosecute officers who are proved to have indulged in police misconduct. The law that is operational in many countries also does not clearly define how to handle this problem. It is apparent that policing is a very important requirement of enforcing law so as to facilitate day to day activities anywhere yet police brutality and misconduct has brought a hindrance to proper, good or professional law enforcement. All the officers are normally well trained before they are allowed to practice policing yet the manner in which they carry themselves in this profession is so wanting. It is naturally expected that once these officers have undergone good training, then they should exercise a high level of discipline as they execute their duties. It is therefore a disappointment seeing them operate in a very indiscipline manner invoking the need to consider what should be done so as to put things right with respect to this. Therefore makes police misconduct a significant issue (United States Commission on Civil Rights. 1979). The significance of the above is also seen through consideration of how it contributes to corruption in large scale in various states or largely countries. Corruption is a vice that really contributes to loss of numerous resources which should otherwise be used to enhance the development of various countries or cities especially the developing countries. Through police misconduct, some of the dues that are supposed to be received by the government directly for development e. g. through taxes end up unfairly in the hands of few individuals who use it in unwanted ways. This to a larger extent contributes to underdevelopment especially in developing countries where police misconduct is actually rampant. One of the major roles of policing is to ensure that democracy is maintained in a country or state, for that matter. This involves among other things protection of the rights of citizens e. g. the right of speech so as to ensure that they command a good public trust (Champion, Dean J. (2001). In a freely democratic state, individuals are in a position of speaking out or sharing what they know and desire freely without any unnecessary restrictions i. . the freedom of speech is practical. In the past, police officers have interfered with democracy in many states in a way especially during electioneering periods in which they lean on only one side of the political divide ending up favoring it over then other. In such cases, police officers have unconstitutionally prevented individuals from contributing to chatting the way forward on certain political issues at hand especially if there is a somewhat serious problem or crisis. Such matters are normally national and so affect a lot of things in the state. This also explains why police misconduct is significant and should actually be seriously looked into (Archbold, Carol. (2004). It is also important to note here that each and every worker or rather civil servant in the current world is normally expected to achieve certain set goals and objectives(job requirements) stated by performance contracting in certain states. Likewise, policing in its mandate of enhancing law enforcement should meet certain standards that have been set for them. Research has, however, shown that most officers in the police force are actually very far from achieving the standards that have been set for them. This poor performance is majorly contributed to by the police misconduct which includes brutality, corruption among other things. As a result of this, a number of things that are supposed to be achieved by them do not come to pass. This also explains why police misconduct is really significant and so a number of ways should be suggested to ensure that it is checked and managed. In the book ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ a number of incidences transpire which show out rightly how police misconduct occurred in this episode. At some point it is evident that even though police officers are brought to a number of issues that they should respond to, they actually ignore and not act upon them after all (Tomasi. (2005). This is shown on page 14 of the book where key municipal and police officials are brought to allegations with an evidence by Serpico which they are actually supposed to act upon but up to this point, they fail to do so. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ and key municipal and police officials at last admitted under oath that, despite the specific allegations brought to them by Serpico, they had in fact done nothing. .. â⬠(pg 14). In another incident, we come across a situation where an individual is literally shot for some crime that was supposedly committed. According to the code of conduct of policing, no officer is supposed to shoot to kill save for specific circumstances which are actually entrenched in the law (Finn, Peter. (2001). For instance if an individual is actually in confrontation with a polic e officer in a given scenario yet he or she is not armed then the officer should not even attempt to shoot. This excerpt suggests that the person was actually shot only that the bullet deviated from original line of fire which would otherwise paralyzed the personââ¬â¢s arms. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ If the bullet continued along its original line of fire, it would have struck the upper part of his spinal cord, paralyzing his arms and legs â⬠¦ â⬠pg 20. There are also cases in which police officers are involved in overreaction to gang problems. This is driven by the assumption that those who associate with known gang members must be involved in criminal activity even in situations that there is evidence that this is not the case. Some of the things that the police officers do are mass stops and arrests of various people, demanding certain things from various people (like the youth) on the basis of their dress and race in stead of on the basis of their criminal conduct (Robinson, Paul H. , (2006). This actually amounts to breaching the code of conduct and professionalism of the police force currently and in the book ââ¬Å"Serpicoâ⬠. With regard to comparing and contrasting contemporary issues pertaining police misconduct and Serpico, we can note that in both cases, this has led to a number of very serious consequences. One of these is unfair death or serious injury of very innocent individuals. This has consequently led to reduction in the labor that is needed by the state for instance in the civil service. This is because part of the labor may become lame due to torture or may simply be done away with due to death for instance through shooting (Mitchell, Richard H. (1992). Another thing is that in both cases, police misconduct has proved to be very challenging to control. A number of ways have been devised to curb this practice for example at some point in the Book; Serpico tries to challenge some people who are in the process of enhancing it. Though it is not very successful, at least something is done. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Peter Maas suggested that there was no point in his hanging around any longer. ââ¬Å"What do you mean? â⬠Serpico asked him, puzzled. ââ¬Å"Kid, it just canââ¬â¢t be,â⬠the detective said. â⬠¦ â⬠pg 98. BODY This paper is basically about my stand of showing that police misconduct is actually a significant issue and that ways should be devised to curb it. In the introduction above a number of cases have been highlighted that show how serious this practice actually is. A number of points will also be given in this section in support of the same From ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ and other sources (Hinton, Valeska S. ; DeWolfe, Ruthanne. (1981). Police misconduct in a way contributes to underdevelopment e. g. in a country. This can occur if police officers constantly indulge in corrupt activities denying the state a good amount of revenues which can be allocated to develop various areas (United States. (2007). In ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ a situation is described where one wants to give money to supposedly avert a given penalty. If the person is guilty he would be taken to court where he would likely produce some dues to the state. In this case, however, Serpico demonstrates his independence and no need of the money. ââ¬Å".. Serpico started up the car. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠he said blankly. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m really pretty independent. I donââ¬â¢t need the money. â⬠ââ¬Å"You sure? Realâ⬠¦ â⬠(pg 102). Corruption as discussed above is a real enemy to development and so its practice here makes police misconduct really significant. Indulgence in unnecessary torture and killing/shooting of citizens also leads to underdevelopment. This is because it interferes with labor which is very vital in a countryââ¬â¢s economy. A report ââ¬Å"police conduct reportâ⬠indicates how police officers involve in unnecessary killing of individuals in the name of carrying out a security operation in the area. The killed individuals would have played a major role in enhancing the economy and so their death was a loss as regards development (United States. , Congress. (2001). Police misconduct also contributes greatly to tainting professionalism in the practice of policing. This is very important in commanding public trust and enhancing efficiency of the practice. The book ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ indicates an incident in which various officers who are supposed to act on an issue fail to do it at the required time after having been forwarded to them. This is a sign of non-professionalism. ââ¬Å".. municipal and police officials at last admitted under oath that, despite the specific allegations brought to them by Serpico, they had in fact done nothing.. â⬠pg 14. In another incident recorded in one of the papers in the US, a young man was ruthlessly shot dead by a Rhode Island police officer as he was driving on one of the roads in the city. This brother, who was actually not armed, was being suspected of having stolen a car. Proper professional police practice demands that in this case, the concerned is apprehended and a proper investigation is done. This brings out the significance because the practice actually interferes with the professionalism that is needed in the police force. It is also important to mention that police misconduct has contributed to the increase in crime hence insecurity of various properties in a state. This majorly occurs in situations where police officers liaise with criminals by receiving some cash from them and tolerating their criminal activities. This leads to a lot of insecurity in the areas of operation of these people. ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ describes a situation in which a certain detective is reluctant to execute his duties as pertains to a given investigation (Maas, P, 2005). Serpico is being discouraged from staying any longer at the scene probably because Peter Maas has his own plans. ââ¬Å". 98 PETER MAAS suggested that there was no point in his hanging around any longer. ââ¬Å"What do you mean? â⬠Serpico asked him, puzzled. ââ¬Å"Kid, it just canââ¬â¢t be,â⬠the detective said. .â⬠Such kinds of negligence can really lead to more criminal activities. External evidence is a situation where it is recorded in one of the US paper archives that given police officers deliberately delayed or rather averted a case that they were handling having made an agreement with the concerned that they would be given a big sum of money if the case was done away with. It was unfortunate that this plan succeeded and so the criminals went scot free. The danger of this is that the criminals may opt to continue with their criminal activities hoping that the same would occur to them in future. This increases crime in a country and hence insecurity (BATFE. (2006).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Knowledge to Assess Essay
Sources A and B agree with the interpretation that the creation of the Kingdom of Northern Italy was due mainly to the support of France with Source A arguably providing the strongest argument for this. Both the Sources confirm that France was committed to providing military assistance to Piedmont with Source A clearly stating that France has ââ¬Ëdecided to support Piedmont with all [their] power in a war against Austriaââ¬â¢ and Source B backing this up by saying ââ¬ËPiedmont might rely upon our vigorous support if attacked by Austriaââ¬â¢. Both the Sources also prove that French support was important as both Sources show concern for the diplomatic consequences in the event of war with Austria with Source A saying ââ¬Ëprovided the war could be justified in diplomatic circles and in the eyes ofâ⬠¦French public opinionââ¬â¢ and Source B confirming this by saying ââ¬Ëmy first duty was to my country and its interestsââ¬â¢. Both Sources are reliable as evidence that the creation of the Kingdom of Northern Italy was due mainly to the support of France. In Source A, Cavour is attempting to persuade the King to support war as Piedmont has the support of the French. The author and purpose prove reliable as at the Congress of Paris after the Crimean War, a healthy relationship was established between Piedmont and France. Cavour is right to say such things in his letter as Napoleon did in fact show a great enthusiasm for the Italian cause and was a dedicated supporter of the Carbonari in his youth. In Source B, Napoleon is attempting to gain support from Queen Victoria of England whilst not alarming her at the prospect of war with Austria, a country whom she was pre-disposed to liking. What Napoleon says in Source B is unsurprising and he is correct to say such things as 7 months have passed since the ââ¬Ësecret meetingââ¬â¢ at Plombieres which was in fact no longer secret by now. Tensions had been raised and Napoleon had become alarmed by this. The author, date and purpose of Source B prove reliable in Source B as well as Source A. The importance of French support is also mentioned briefly in Source E where Victor Emmanuel states that Piedmont has ââ¬Ëgratitude to France for the services she has rendered to Italyââ¬â¢ and makes a ââ¬Ësacrificeââ¬â¢ for France. Again Source E is reliable asà concessions in the form of Savoy and Nice were made to France in return for their support in the 1859 war against Austria. Arguably Source C also implies that French support was important in creating the Kingdom of Northern Italy. Piedmont are seen to be struggling alone and French support was therefore important in victories such as those at Magenta and Solferino where French military support was the main factor in securing the victory. To conclude, Sources A and B provide the strongest evidence that French support was the main reason that a Kingdom of Northern Italy was created with Sources C and E also backing this up. Source A and B are reliable, accurate evidence considering opinions from both the French and Piedmontese making this group in support of the interpretation very strong. On the other hand, Sources C, D and E disagree with the interpretation that the creation of the Kingdom of Northern Italy was due mainly to the support of France with Sources E and D providing the strongest argument for this and claiming Piedmontese initiatives to be of greater importance. Both these Sources state that the work of Piedmontese citizens were far more important in securing the creation of a Kingdom of Northern Italy with Source E clearly stating ââ¬Ëcentral Italy has been delivered thanks to the remarkable courage of its inhabitantsââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËLombardy has been freed thanks to the glorious exploits of our heroesââ¬â¢ and Source D backing this up by saying ââ¬ËAssemblies which now exist in central Italyââ¬â¢. Contrastingly, Source C claims that French support was extremely lacking and accuses Napoleon of inactivity and duplicity, forcing the burden of the war effort to be shouldered by Piedmont whilst implying that France were self-interested and enquiring as to what they would get out of it. Sources D and E are reliable as evidence that the creation of the Kingdom of Northern Italy was due to Piedmontese initiatives. In Source D, Walewski is warning the Piedmontese of the consequences of sidelining the French in the Central Duchies. Walewski is right to make such warnings as the French had concerns about instability spreading into the Papal States and that therefore the terms of the Villafranca agreement would be invalid and Piedmont would not be guaranteed the possession of Lombardy. In Source E, Victor Emmanuel is attempting to explain to the Parliament in Turin why he has ââ¬Ësacrificedââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËSavoy and Niceââ¬â¢. What Victor Emmanuel says in source E is also unsurprising as it is typical of him to make a Risorgimento speech crediting Italians rather than the French as he was a believer in ââ¬ËItalia fara da seââ¬â¢. The date of Source E also makes it reliable as in April 1860, the war against Austria had finished and, when compared with source C and D, Victor Emmanuel has the advantage of hindsight enabling him to comment on both the importance of Italian initiatives as well as French support, despite leaving ââ¬Ëthe servicesââ¬â¢ that France rendered to Italy undefined. However, Source C is far less reliable as evidence that the creation of the Kingdom of Northern Italy was not due to the support of France. In Source C, the English political cartoon is attempting to belittle the importance of French support by making the French out to look greedy. What the cartoonist shows in Source C is unsurprising as British hostility toward Napoleon and the French was rife due to the long wars with Napoleon Bonaparte which ended in 1815 and the bitter relations that then existed between the British and the French. To conclude, sources B and D, written by the French Napoleon and Walewski stress the importance French in regard to diplomacy and agreements made between France and Piedmont. Sources A and E however, written by the Piedmontese Cavour and Victor Emmanuel stress the role of Cavourââ¬â¢s diplomacy and Italian heroes whilst simply acknowledging moral and military support of the French. In summary, the importance of the French was an extremely important factor in the creation of a Kingdom of Northern Italy as France provided military support at the battles of Magenta and Solferino and gave Lombardy and eventually Venetia over to Piedmont thus creating a Kingdom of Northern Italy.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Music in Different Worlds essays
Music in Different Worlds essays Music has always been a part of Cambodia. The life styles were limited, among these musicians, there were the Khmer rouge, full time labor workers, and politicians. A large percentage of Cambodians were forced into poverty and underpaid jobs. Their lives were constantly troubled by daily escapes from robbers, guerrillas, and powerful armies that disagrees with the laws of the country. The Khmer rouge, former guerrillas and the most powerful army that had ever opposed the government had taken more lives than natural deaths over a decade. During times of hardships and warfare, the only escape from reality was music. He,, Samphoun Em, was only fifteen years of age when he first picked up a guitar. Knowing he had to be able to make a constant payment to afford and keep his only source of entertainment, for there are no personal rights involving one's property. After three years of full time labor, he was then able to claim and bring home his most prized possession. Keeping good care of the picks and strings he had access to, for if he had lost or broken any of the two, it would've meant more months of hard labor. Every so often after work, he would spend at least two hours to catch up on lessons and surpass his latest talent. He was persistent and frequently disappointed with his slow learning process, with a confidence that he would one day master the art of playing the guitar. The confidence that shone in his eyes came from the gratitudes and awes from his brothers and sisters. Watching their faces light up as he would show off his new talent, fretting at his parents whom tried to disallow his learning. They were worried he was capable of showing off his great gift and distract laborers from their work, this meant being punished by a severe beating or even sentenced to death. Voices rose as he went into his second hour of daily practice, "You kids stop that fuss and return to your studies." No one would move on the first notice,...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Bank War Waged by President Andrew Jackson
The Bank War Waged by President Andrew Jackson The Bank War was a long and bitter struggle waged by President Andrew Jackson in the 1830s against the Second Bank of the United States, a federal institution which Jackson sought to destroy. Jacksons stubborn skepticism about banks escalated into a highly personal battle between the president of the United States and the president of the bank, Nicholas Biddle. The conflict over the bank became an issue in the presidential election of 1832, in which Jackson defeated Henry Clay. Following his reelection, Jackson sought to destroy the bank and engaged in controversial tactics which included firing treasury secretaries opposed to his grudge against the bank.Ã The Bank War created conflicts which resonated for years. And the heated controversy created by Jackson came at a very bad time for the country. Economic problems which reverberated through the economy eventually led to major depression in the Panic of 1837 (which occurred during the term of Jacksons successor, Martin Van Buren). Jacksons campaign against the Second Bank of the United States did ultimately cripple the institution. Background on the Second Bank of the United States The Second Bank of the United States was chartered in April 1816, in part to manage debts the federal government had taken on during the War of 1812. The bank filled a void left when the Bank of the United States, which had been created by Alexander Hamilton, did not have its 20-year charter renewed by Congress in 1811. Various scandals and controversies plagued the Second Bank of the United States in the first years of its existence, and it was blamed for helping to cause the Panic of 1819, a major economic crisis in the United States. By the time Andrew Jackson became president in 1829, the problems of the bank had been rectified. The institution was headed by Nicholas Biddle, who, as bank president, exercised considerable influence over the financial affairs of the nation. Jackson and Biddle clashed repeatedly, and cartoons of the time depicted them in a boxing match, with Biddle cheered on by city dwellers as frontiersmen rooted for Jackson. The Controversy Over Renewing the Charter of the Second Bank of the United States By most standards, the Second Bank of the United States was doing a good job of stabilizing the nations banking system. But Andrew Jackson viewed it with resentment, considering it a tool of an economic elite in the East that took unfair advantage of farmers and working people. The charter for the Second Bank of the United States would expire, and thus be up for renewal, in 1836. However, four years earlier, in 1832, prominent senator Henry Clay pushed forward a bill that would renew the banks charter. The charter renewal was a calculated political move. If Jackson signed the bill into law, it might alienate voters in the West and South and jeopardize Jacksons bid for a second presidential term. If he vetoed the bill, the controversy might alienate voters in the Northeast. Andrew Jackson vetoed the renewal of the charter of the Second Bank of the United States in dramatic fashion. He issued a lengthy statement on July 10, 1832, providing the reasoning behind his veto. Along with his arguments claiming the bank was unconstitutional, Jackson unleashed some blistering attacks, including this comment near the end of his statement: Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress.Henry Clay ran against Jackson in the election of 1832. Jacksons veto of the banks charter was an election issue, but Jackson was reelected by a wide margin. Andrew Jackson Continued His Attacks on the Bank At the beginning of his second term, believing he had a mandate from the American people, Jackson instructed his treasury secretary to remove assets from the Second Bank of the United States and transfer them to state banks, which became known as pet banks. Jacksons war with the bank placed him in bitter conflict with the banks president Nicholas Biddle, who was as determined as Jackson. The two men sparred, sparking a series of economic problems for the country. In 1836, his last year in office, Jackson issued a presidential order known as the Specie Circular, which required that purchases of federal lands (such as lands being sold in the West) be paid for in cash (which was known as species). The Specie Circular was Jacksons last major move in the bank war, and it did succeed in virtually ruining the credit system of the Second Bank of the United States. The clashes between Jackson and Biddle likely contributed to the Panic of 1837, a major economic crisis which impacted the United States and doomed the presidency of Jacksons successor, Martin Van Buren. Disruptions caused by the economic crisis which began in 1837 resonated for years, so Jacksons suspicion of banks and banking had an effect that outlived his presidency.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Marketing Planning and Strategy (The Dark Side)1 Assignment
Marketing Planning and Strategy (The Dark Side)1 - Assignment Example Through excellent use of promotion tools, an organization can create new product/service needs and influence consumers to spend additionally. Similarly, the tool of marketing can be effectively used to identify the changing consumer needs and to satisfy those needs before losing customers to competitors. Undoubtedly, there is a dark side of marketing. Fraudulent multi-level marketing (MLM) is identified to be a major dark side of marketing. As Manning (2010, p. 367) points out, fraudulent MLM requires high entrance fees or expensive purchases without involving any authentic product or service. Using the concept of MLM and unrealistic schemes, it is easy to trap modern people who wish to become rich effortlessly. Compromising credibility is another dark side of marketing. Today even well established companies market their products and services to customers without disclosing the real benefits and costs. Hidden tariff rates and conditions are increasingly used by companies to attract more customers and to improve sales. Enron Corporation and Worldcom are two prominent examples of companies that have compromised their ethics/values for increased sales and
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